08 September 2010

My latest complaint...

is actually a rather silly one.
I want to be crafty. I want to make things. I want to completely redo our apartment... but I can't. It takes supplies to make stuff and it takes money to get supplies. This is where my complaint comes in... or rather, my dilemma. Where can you get things to make stuff (wood, glues/epoxy, other such supplies that you can use to make craft projects...) besides DI. I need to know places that are cheap (and by cheap, I mean as close to free as you can possibly get).
I have caught a crafting bug. Wanna see some of the blogs I've been looking at and getting ideas from?

These are just a few of them and I have fallen in love with some of the things I have seen on here!
I used to dislike "crafty" houses. I thought they were all to "kitchy", but since moving into our own place again, I have changed my mind. I LOVE CRAFTS! (to a certain extent... i still don't want my house overrun by nick knacks.)
I am going to try to get all of our stuff organized too. We have a relatively small space, so we can use all the organization we can get!!!
If you have any great ideas, let me know!

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A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!