31 January 2011

Happy 2011!!

It's the start of a new year! A new year brings excitement, hope and often times, fear. It's the beginning of something new and has a lot of unknowns associated with it.
Today is the last day of January and there is already no way to know what the future holds. We have been steadily planning some things out but haven't actually decided on anything yet. We have a general plan of how we want things to go and we are working steadily toward those goals. We see our lives right now as though we are standing on the edge of a sword. On one side is success and on the other side is "failure". I say "failure" because for one to truly fail, one must give up. We will not give up, but our version of "failure" is falling back again and having to start over.
We are lucky. We have fallen and we are in the process of building ourselves back up, but we are young and our family is young. We still have time to build up our lives to what we want them to be.
I know sometimes things look bleak and hopeless, but if I could give just one piece of advice, it would be don't give up. There is always a way out if we truly look for it and are willing to do whatever it takes to build a strong foundation.
With that said, I will not go into too much detail of what we are planning, but I will give some 'hints'. 1- One of us will be starting school this spring. 2- We are planning to move in May, but I won't say where. 3- We are beginning planning for Alida's education. 4- we are planning to make a few... additions... to our household at some point in the near future... within the next couple of years.

So, there are a lot of exciting and potentially life altering events that are coming up within this year. We are so excited and we will do our best to keep everyone up to date on the "goings-on" in our family!

To finish up, here are some photos that I took over the holidays of 2010. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them and I look forward to and wish everyone a joyful and prosperous new year!

Shari Anne

A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!