20 October 2011

More Aviary

A day with the kids

Yesterday was one of those days that doesn't come around very often.
Michelle got off work at lunch time and came to pick up me and all the kids to go to Tracy Aviary. Before hitting the aviary, we stopped at McDonald's for some cheeseburgers and hamburgers, since no one had eaten lunch yet.
For those who don't know, Tracy Aviary is in Sugar House at Liberty Park. I wasn't aware of this. I have often passed by Liberty park, but I never realized I was also passing the Aviary. For those who have never been to Liberty park, it is a massive park, spanning the equivalent of about 4 city blocks. In this large space is a nice big pond, the Aviary (obviously), LOTS of open grassy space and several different playgrounds. It's a very pretty place in the middle of Salt Lake City.
The Aviary was a lot of fun. It's hard to say exactly how much fun it was. I doubt if the girls learned much, but I know they loved it. They got to run around the "Owl Forest" tree house, play in the sand, feed the ducks, get their pictures taken in a lot of fun ways and generally just got to run around and look at all the pretty birds. When we were done at the Aviary, we went over to one of the playgrounds at the park and let the girls run around and play for about an hour.
All of this doesn't seem like much, but throw in someone who's 16 1/2 weeks pregnant and it becomes slightly more difficult, but slightly funnier to watch!
Bouncing with the kids, twisting and twirling with them on the tire swing and then there was the walk back to the car (which was the equivalent of about a block and a half from the park. Let's just say that by the time we got home, I was sore and tired and so was Alida.
We had a lot of fun yesterday! Days like that don't come around very often. I was so glad that we got to go out and do all that we did. And a HUGE thank you to Michelle for lunch and for treating us to the trip to the Aviary!!!

14 October 2011

A link to the past

In today's hectic world, sometimes we forget what things were like when we were kids.
When we hear in society that it's not ok to do things the way people used to do them because "things just aren't the same as they used to be", it makes me sad. Why can't things be like they used to be? Obviously not everything can stay the same. It's called progress. But sometimes, without realizing it, we stop progressing and start regressing. Sometimes I have these realizations. I start thinking about my childhood and the way things were. I have visions of my mom in the kitchen cooking some fantastic dinner and then everyone sat up to the dining room table and ate together. I think about mom doing canning in the fall, making pickles and salsa and doing tomatoes. I miss the smells of it all. Things SHOULD be like they used to be. Just because technology has changed doesn't mean everything else has. We haven't progressed beyond needing the relationships we used to have.
Then nights like tonight come along. I have the most random cravings a lot of the time. Last night I had a craving for lasagna brought on by watching Anthony eat cottage cheese. So tonight, I made lasagna, biscuits and green salad, then we all sat down at the dining table and ate together. Alida ate all of her dinner. We had some very pleasant conversation. It really made me nostalgic for the good old days.
Why can't things be like that more often. A lot of people don't take the time or care enough to make the time. It's sad, really. The way that it brings families together should be worth our time. It should be worth our time because it says "I love you" without having to say it.
Let's try, people! Let's have dinner as a family! Make the time. It's worth it.

12 October 2011

The cutest tantrum ever

We went to the library today. Alida had a book to return. It was a Superman book.
It was kind of one of those "you had to be there" moments, but I will try to give you an idea of how this trip went.
From the car to the library doors, Alida hugged the book close. She wouldn't hold my hand to cross the street or anything. I ended up having to hold her shoulder. The whole way into the building, she kept saying "this is my favorite Superman book, mom."
When we got to the book drop off, I offered to let her turn it in. She didn't want to. She wanted to keep the book. We tried enticing her with offers of other books and even finding her another Superman book. She refused.
Finally, with my hand guiding hers, we put the book into the drop off. Immediately, her bottom lip started to tremble and before I knew it, she was wailing and there were tears streaming down her cheeks. "Mommy, I want my book back! Please! I want my Superman book!"
The tears continued as I picked her up (maybe not the best idea...) and tried to console her again with offers of other books. She wouldn't have any of it. We went into the children's section and began searching for other books, but she continued to cry. That Superman book was her very favorite book and she wanted it.
A young lady standing in line to check out some books stopped me and with a polite smile said "I'm a teacher. I wish some of my kids would cry when you had them return a book." and she laughed politely. I smiled.
Anthony, being the caring dad that he is, ventured back to the book return and rescued the Superman book from the depths of the bin and heroically re-checked it out for Alida. As soon as the book was in her hands, the tantrum stopped. The world was right again. She even checked out a few Halloween books.
Normally I don't like it when she throws tantrums, but even I have to admit that it was, perhaps, one of the cutest tantrums I have EVER witnessed... and all over a book.

11 October 2011

Eating and other difficulties

15 weeks and 4 days. Things are getting more difficult. I find that I have very little energy at all, and eating is still difficult, since I have no appetite. The past few days, I have felt weaker than usual, and I suppose it's due in part to me not eating enough to supply the demands of pregnancy. Yesterday was our most recent doctor's appointment. I found out a lot of things. Most importantly, I have lost another 2 pounds, making a total of 10 pounds since I got pregnant. This is not necessarily a good thing. It is all due to not eating enough. The Doctor was very clear that this needs to stop. I only wish it was as easy as it sounded. It all seems to be a vicious cycle. I don't have any energy, so I don't want to make anything, so I don't eat, so I never get any energy. And it continues like that.

One exciting development; we made the appointment to have the gender ultrasound. November 18th we will find out what we're having.

I have to admit, it still feels weird to say that I am pregnant at all. Every now and again I feel little flutters, but nothing more as far as movement, and though I'm showing a little, it doesn't feel real. I'd like to say that it seems like I'm just gaining weight, but I'm not even doing that. I'm losing weight and I'm growing. *sigh* If only I could have lost weight like this before I got pregnant.

Well, enough of my complaints. A friend of mine once said that she was sick of hearing pregnant women complain about how they feel because there are women out there who have trouble getting pregnant and they should be glad that they're expecting. I have to respond now that, though I am extremely glad and excited to be expecting, that doesn't mean it's all fun and games. Some women, though able to get pregnant and happy that they are, have a difficult time with it. It happens. We just try to deal with it as best as we can. That's all we can do. So if you have a pregnant friend, give her a hug. She might need it.

Love from,
The Hunter Family

06 October 2011


It's time again to start decorating for Halloween. I have put up a few decorations in the past week, but just small things (my potion bottles and pumpkins, for example). So the girls and I got creative today. I made us a bowl of "blood" and we went to work.

The girls had a blast and now I'm looking at the house and wondering what else I can paint with our blood.
The blood is perfect too. It is a dish soap based blood, making it easily washable. It washed off every surface, including the girls hands, with only water. It didn't stain anything. Perfect.
If you're interested, I used 1 Cup of corn syrup, 1/2 cup chocolate syrup (Hershey's), 1/2 cup liquid dish soap and some red and some blue food coloring. (the blue and the chocolate deepen the color nicely. I also found that adding a few tablespoons of corn starch helped thicken it up, but it runs a lot, so be aware of that.
It's also irresistible to munchkins with curious tendencies... hahaha

05 October 2011


I told Alida "Visions of sugar plums are dancing in my head." to which, she grabbed the top of my head and said "Don't worry mom. I'll get them!"
With the series of storms that have passed over our house over the past day and night, the temperature has dropped to a frigid 59 degrees (compared to 90 just a few days ago) and it is expected to drop even further to nearly 30 degrees by this weekend, with snow in the higher elevations. SNOW!!!
This morning, I had a chat with Alida about her clothes. She slept in, and was happily playing this morning in, a tank top and shorts. This led to the "we're putting away your summer clothes" conversation. She didn't get why her summer clothes weren't good enough.
I asked her "are you cold?". She replied "Yes. It's really chilly, mom."
So I took her in her room and explained the difference between pants and shorts and tank tops vs sweaters. We picked out her outfit for the day, (warm pants and a sweater she chose), and I then asked her if we should put away her summer clothes. She replied "Mom, my legs fit in these pants, so I think it will be ok to put them in storage."
We also got out our space heater, and we're talking about lighting the furnace this week. (It needs to be done sooner or later...)

All of this cold weather and talk of heaters and "winter wardrobes" has made me really excited for the holiday season to begin, starting with Halloween. I always get excited for holidays when it gets cold. I LOVE decorating. I love sitting in front of a big window with hot cider, watching the snow fall. I love the idea that this year, we have a yard. I will be able (AND willing!) to take Alida outside to play in the snow! I can't even begin to describe my excitement for this! After spending so much time indoors last year, it has been such a relief to me to be able to take her outside and know that we're safe in our own yard. It makes me excited to start wearing my coat and sweaters... though I admit that I will probably have to buy me some new winter clothes, since I'll be spending this winter pregnant, and nothing fits me! (hahaha) I know it might sound strange, but heaters have a smell to them... and when you spend so much time during the winter with the heater on, you get used to that smell and all of a sudden, you associate cold weather and the smell of a heater with holidays. (It also helps that I'm sitting here eating cranberry sauce while I type this!)

Are there things that make you excited for the holidays? What do you do to get ready? When do you put away the summer clothes? I would LOVE to know!

04 October 2011


You know that feeling when you've waited SO LONG for something, and then one day, it's finally here and you get it? I had one of those days yesterday. We had to go to Wal-Mart to find a few things, and in our wanderings, I decided to go look at the produce section. As I entered near the packages of fresh berries, something seemed different. There were bags of something by the raspberries. My heart almost skipped a beat. I had to investigate. As I got closer, I could see tiny round redness inside the bags, and I knew that the bags were something I have been waiting for since last winter... Fresh cranberries!!! One of the best things in the world is cranberries boiled in Jello. YUM!
I bought 3 bags of them, though I shouldn't have. I couldn't wait. It is something I start craving every year when the weather begins to cool down in the fall. It gives me wonderful feelings of fall and winter and holidays. It is so yummy and it just so happens that, being pregnant at the start of this Fall, I have been craving it a lot.
This morning, I was able to satiate that craving! (for now.)
I love it when surprises like that happen. Don't you?

02 October 2011

The Young Family

This is a really good friend of mine and her family. Josie and I have been best friends since the 8th grade. Over the weekend at Wheeler Farm, I got to take some really cute pictures of them. The one of her husband and son was actually taken by Josie after I couldn't get her son to cooperate for me for that picture. I loved taking photos of them and I'm so glad they joined us for the afternoon.

The Birthday Boy

The Birthday Boy. Happy Birthday 'Doc'!!!

A Crazy Weekend

To say that this weekend has been busy would be an understatement. It has been CRAZY!!! It started on Friday with the arrival of my cousin, Leah, and her husband, Bryan. I was so excited that they were coming, I am overlooking how late they arrived and that I was nearly asleep when they got here. That didn't stop us all from staying up for another couple of hours and going to bed after 1am. (Seriously, I loved it!)

Saturday morning began at 8-something in the morning, which I will admit, is WAY earlier than I expected, though I also admit, I was warned. I worried about Alida waking up and going into the living room and finding "strangers" instead of me... which she did. I am told that as she entered the room, she went to Bryan and nearly climbed up on his lap, until she realized "this isn't my daddy". At which point, Leah introduced herself, (Alida knew they were coming but fell asleep before they got here), and she held out her hands and told Alida "Come here beautiful". Alida went right to her and they were best friends from that point. She also quickly got used to Bryan and in fact, became his best friend too.
Shortly after I got up, it was decided that it was time to make breakfast. Saturday had the first session of General Conference, and I like to make a big, hot breakfast for conference. We had waffles, but alas, my waffle iron could not handle it. I had been spraying the surface of the waffle iron between every waffle, but the last waffle burned right to the teflon... and wouldn't come off. The waffle iron ended up in the garbage.

The first session of Conference was REALLY good. We all enjoyed it. Alida even listened a little. Shortly after the first session ended, it was time to hurry and get ready to leave for Wheeler Farm and Michelle and Brian's son's birthday party! HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY 'DOC'!!! Before going to the party, we had to make a stop at Walmart to get his present... at which point, Bryan had a feeling that he needed to stay home with Anthony, who was getting over a sinus infection and cold. We hopped in the car, turned around and went back home. We were 45 minutes late for the party and missed the presents and cake, but we made it in time to have the last 3 cupcakes. YUM! 5-10 minutes after we arrived, everything was cleaned up and we went and bought our tickets for Wheeler Farm's October Festival. A wagon ride, a hay maze and we got to pick pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Mom and Dad have pumpkins in their garden, so they let us use their tickets for their pumpkins. We went home with 5 pumpkins and Leah and Bryan each got one too. 7 total in our car.
We missed the second session of Conference, but by the time we got home, we were so tired and sore and hungry, that we didn't really care and figured that we'd stream it later on.

Sunday morning started much the same way, except it was pancakes for breakfast this time. The first session of conference was REALLY good again. (I love Conference!) Between sessions, we watched 17 miracles. Alida loved seeing her Uncle Sean in the movie. She wanted to call him as soon as the movie was over, but Anthony said she'd have to wait. Unfortunately, we also got a nasty surprise about this time. Leah and Bryan's ride was coming several hours early to get them and head back home to Cedar City. An hour later, they were all packed up and gone.

We went back inside for the second session of Conference. 35 minutes into it, all 3 of us were asleep. We were so tired from the busy weekend so far. I woke up right at the end. I turned off the TV and went back to sleep.

At 4:30pm, we got a text from one of our neighbors inviting us over to their house for dinner at 5:00. OH GOODNESS! Time for a quick shower! Dinner with them was REALLY good. It was really yummy barbequed teriyaki chicken and rice. (pardon my spelling, if it's wrong.)

Spending the entire weekend with so many wonder friends and family was so much fun and getting to hear the words of the Lord from his servants was extremely uplifting. This was one of the best weekends I could have imagined. We are so lucky. I also got to take my camera with us and get some really cute pictures. I'll post them so you can see them.

A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!