27 September 2008


We went with Meemaw and Aunt Meeka and the kids and Mickey & Cherine and Michael and Abby to the Spanish Fork Reservoir and we went swimming! Alida loved it. She even "dove" in herself a couple of times. (well, ok, she fell. ^_^)
She loved the water and the gravel. She brought most of the gravel home in her diaper!!! It was MUCH nicer being there today than the last time we went there since the sun was out today ^_^

24 September 2008

Fall Photos

Alida Dawn Got some new fall photos taken today!
She looked like a doll in the orange dress that Meemaw made her!!!
and she LOVED those little pumpkin candles. She wouldn't put them down even to pick up one of the bigger pumpkins. ^_^

19 September 2008

Our Videos

Anthony and I have created a You Tube account.
Our user name is peculiarandproud.
You can see our first video by following this link:


I would post it here, but it is taking too long to upload it.
If you have a You Tube account, feel free to add us as a friend, comment, rate the vid, and even subscribe to our channel. I know there's not much right now, but we'll be adding more videos soon and if you subscribe to our channel, you'll be able to get updates for when we do add more!

18 September 2008

A new blog

Ok, so I have created another blog. This one has an explanation for the first post.
Go take a look. It is a "blog-if-you're-interested" blog. Nothing related to our family or anything, but I thought it was a good idea, even if no one else does. ^_^
The blog address is: pushitwithme.blogspot.com (FYI: for those with a potty mind, that's Push It With Me...) have a look and if anyone is interested in becoming a contributor to that blog, email me at sharianne84@hotmail.com ^_^

11 September 2008

Am I nuts?

Today, Alida was eating her lunch in the high chair and after she had eaten her lunch, we gave her an Oreo to munch on. This resulted in a chocolatey mess all over our little mess-maker!
We had errands to run and needed to clean her up quickly with as little screaming as possible, so we decided to clean her off in a fun way. (well, I thought it was fun and I didn't hear Alida complaining!)


Like I said, I didn't hear Alida complaining ^_^

I had been using the sprayer to wash her hair and rinse off soap,
so I kept the water running slowly in the other side of the sink.
Alida always tries to catch and drink the water coming from the tap...
... And I don't know if she actually got any, but every once in a while,
she would stop trying to catch the water and instead,
would suck on her hand.

I had fun giving her the sink bath and it was a nice break from the normal
tub bath and, call me crazy, but I honestly think this way is WAY easier than
putting her in the tub. (sometimes!)

Construction as usual

So, upon moving into our apartment, there was construction right in front of the apartment.
They were working on those roads for the first couple of weeks we lived here. During the construction, they had to take down the fence on our side of the yard... here it is, 2 months later, and they still haven't put the fence back up. Then, yesterday, they started doing construction AGAIN right in front of our apartment. It's loud and it shakes the walls.
Alida gets a kick out of all the machinery though. She points and smiles and squeels. She does the same thing with passing cars. It's the funniest thing to watch!
So, while Anthony and I are getting sick of the construction and not having a complete fence, Alida gets a kick out of it when we take her outside to play!

LA LA LA LA laughter LA LA LA LA lullaby LA LA LA LA lollypop LA LA LA LA lights in the sky...
LA LA LA LA LINOLEUM!!! L is such a lovely letter for words like licorice....

Sorry, Alida, Anthony and I are watching Sesame Street. It's an alphabet special that we checked out from the library. Alida likes it and Anthony and I are glad to have a break from The Muppet Show!!! ^_^

09 September 2008

Playing in the Yard

Alida is one tough cookie! Spanish Fork City has not yet put back
up our fence, so there are posts with concrete on the bottoms strewn
around our lawn. Alida was out playing with the poles the other day.
She is tough for her size!!!

Sleeping Beauty

Alida sleeps comfortably in her new car seat.

Well, sometimes.

Pretty Alida

Alida loves dressing up.

Flowers to put on her "pretties" (that's what I call her hair)

Alida and Daddy are dressed in superhero capes!

A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!