05 August 2008

Return of the mountain man!

JayDee has returned from South Dakota!!!
He stayed the night at our apartment on Sunday night!
When Alida first laid eyes on him, she looked like she
wanted to cry. Wanna see why?

I told JayDee he looked like Adam Ponnape (or Pontape... or however you spell it)
played by Howard Keel in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
Case in point.....


KMKohlhepp said...

I agree about JayDee looking like Adam! haha. that's funny. I hope he shaved that off. He doesn't look very good with it. But that's just me. :)

Denise said...

I think he looks handsome and distinguished with whiskers.

A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!