16 November 2011


So, it has been brought to my attention that I haven't been doing a very good job keeping you all updated on our family.  It's sad but true.  There are a few very good reasons behind it, the biggest of all being we had to get rid of the internet to save money.  It makes posting things harder to do and more irritating.  Posting is now just like one big text message... Well, you can imagine.
Regardless, I still try.  I have done it a couple of times with my phone now.
A little update for you all:
Everyone is doing fine.  I am over my Facebook withdrawals.  The shaking and cold sweats have abated and I am doing fine without it.  It's actually been interesting realizing what I miss and what I don't miss.  There is SO MUCH on Facebook now and so many things that are only found there.  It makes it kind of irritating, but I'm still ok without it.
On a more personal note:  we are all healthy and well.  The baby is growing fine and kicking like crazy now.  We can even feel it on the outside already and I have noticed little episodes of the hiccups already.  I am 20 1/2 weeks now.  We will be finding out what the gender is this Friday!  (Though I may make everybody wait to find out what it is until Thanksgiving.  MWAHAHA!).
Alida told me yesterday "Mom, I want it to be a girl!" With a big smile on her face, so I asked "Well, what if it's a boy?" And she immediately put on a frown and said "but I want a girl like me."
Well, no pressure then!
We are really excited!  We have started making room for all the baby stuff we'll need, but our place is tiny.  The best I can think of is we need shelving...  Big time!  The crib will BARELY fit in Alida's room.  For now, we're just trying to keep everything stored and out of the way.
If anyone has any ideas of how to work with almost no space, I'd love to hear it!
Life is a little mundane lately, so that's about it for now.
I hope you all haven't missed me too much.  I sure miss you all.
The Hunter Family

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A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!