06 March 2012

Take a breath

When I was woken up this morning at 7am, an hour earlier than I planned, I wasn't sure what to think.  You'd think I was woken up by my jumping belly or heartburn or some other pregnancy related reason, but when it was my husband waking me up, I didn't know what to think.  He had been awake for several hours, unable to get back to sleep due to his anxiety.  This is a relatively new concept for him.  Though we have one child already, this one is apparently very different.  He has been pacing and worrying, not sure how to handle everything, partly due to the "waiting game".  He can't decide if he wishes it would end sooner or wait until later. 
So, after a morning like this, when he is finally able to relax and forget what's on his mind, at least for the most part, I smile.
I caught this little gem this afternoon.  One of the first moments of quiet today.  It made me giggle at how cute it is.
Thank heavens for quiet times.

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A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!