05 March 2012


Well, I guess the general concensus around here now is that we really need to start getting everything ready for the inevitable D-day.  After Anthony's heart attack this weekend over nothing being ready, we started trying to organize, clean and put everything together that needs to be... But it has been slow going.  We don't yet have even half of what we need to do done.  We have begun working on getting our bedroom ready mostly... And I think our slow pace is starting to unnerve both of us.

We have also been slacking off a ton though!  We have had plenty of time to get things done (well, more than we have) but we keep taking care of things that take us away from home or things that could definately wait... Case in point: a blessing dress.  We ventured to DI Saturday to see if we could find a piece of furniture that would work as the bottom half of a kitchen hutch (we have a top half...) and while there, we found an adorable little blessing dress.  It was kind of plain (not in a good way) and had a few ugly features that needed to be removed, but I figured that with a little creativity and a needle and thread, I could make it into something really cute.  So, instead of packing a hospital bag or cleaning the house, as I should be doing, I have spent this morning fixing and changing a blessing dress that we won't even need for at least 2 months.

At least I'm happy with the results.
Dress: $3
Ribbon and bling: $4
Having an adorable blessing dress for our daughter: Priceless

Oh, and on the side, I am hoping to find a little white bonnet to go with it.  If anyone sees one or knows how to make a simple one that I can "personalize" as well, let me know! :)

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A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!