18 July 2008

A new start

Today was our second full day in our new apartment.
It is still kind of stressful trying to move in. The downstairs looks FABULOUS. It's clean and decorated and pretty.
The upstairs (with the exception of the hallway and Alida's room)... not so much.
It is now 11:33pm and our bedroom and the spare/computer room are full of all the boxes that I haven't had a chance to unpack yet and the bathroom could do with a good organizing.
Alida's first birthday was this past monday... the 14th. I have pictures to post, hopefully tomorrow, but not until Anthony lends me his SD card adapter... this is also providing that Best Buy doesn't have to keep our computer when we take it in tomorrow to find out why the sound won't work.
It hasn't worked for about a week now and we can't figure out why. It won't work whether there are headphones plugged in or not. Tomorrow, we're hoping to have the mystery solved.
We also have a good, stable connection now, so you should be seeing more entries from me from now on.

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A note to readers

I haven't been updating as often as I'd like to be. I find that I just don't take the time to do it.
I will try to be better but no guarantees.
Keep watching for fun photos and videos (and if I can't post videos here, links to them).
We love sharing our lives with you!